A Dark And Stormy Knight (Part 1)
Making their way down the Avenue of the Gods, the PCs pass the Temple of Eissa where it is obvious they can get healing and continue onto the wonderful temple dedicated to Kieron, Lord of parties, known as the Palace of Kieron. Rikku decides to take them here because Kieron is Rikku's patron god.
Entering the temple the PCs quickly learn that their chances of getting Rikku healed are nil. A party is in progress inside the temple with wine, women (+ men) and song all vying for one's attention. The all-male (mostly Elven) servants of the temple are encouraging the congregation in their "praise" of Kieron. Asmodeus has found nirvana.

Deciding they really need healing services and not just a good time, The PCs decide to head on back to the Temple of Eissa. A priestess looks after them, taking Rikku, Xera, Shashari and Kodos to a small side chamber to discuss the healing process, while Asmodeus heads back to the Palace of Kieron to party and Cavell goes to the Basilica of Kuor (his patron god) to give his respects. After assessment of Rikku's injuries by the priestess, the remaining small group are given the bad news.
"A small donation of 1700 gold pieces should cover it." says the priestess.
"We've been robbed." - Xera
"We don't have that." - Shashari
"Can I barter the price?", asks Rikku.
"Of course you can, we accept items based on our own evaluation assessment."
Rikku goes through his equipment and pulls out his superior design weapons; a +10 broadsword, +10 dagger and a +5 long bow. "How much is this worth?"
"Well, that will do for about 70 gp, you only have 1630 gp to go. Do you have anything else?"
"That's too bad."
"Can we perform a service for the temple to pay for the healing?" - one of the PCs, I don't remember who.
"Let me speak with the High Priestess to see if she has anything for you."
It turns out that the High Priestess does have a task in mind, the recovery of a gem the size of a fist, a sky blue diamond, known as a Life Stone. This stone was stolen fifteen years ago from the previous High Priestess while she was returning to Sel-kai from a trip to the south. A group of orcs came out of the west wood and returned that way after killing everyone in the party, taking everything with them. This task will need to be completed within two weeks otherwise the temple will provide no free healing services. For some reason the High Priestess is anxious to get her hands on the life stone.
"What are the conditions of the task?" ask the PCs.
"You are required to convert to Eissa and be put under a geas until the task is performed." replies the High Priestess.
Shashari is concerned for Cavell, who is a Paladin of Kuor. How would he react to this news? Shashari and Xera leave to find Cavell and Asmodeus respectively. They need all in the party to agree to this task.
Cavell, upon hearing the news, is concerned about his dedication to Kuor. He is assured that in this polytheistic society such a conversion does not nullify his devotion to Kuor. Asmodeus is "happy" to help - "hic". Cavell pursues even more information than the others have told him and in the end agrees to the whole process in order to get Rikku healed. Isn't he a good Paladin?
With all the members in agreement, the PCs undergo a conversion ceremony. Xera takes 6 hours to complete the conversion most of the others take 2 to 4 hours. They all succumb to the spell of a geas.
While Rikku is healed in privacy, problems arise and the priestess assigned the task cannot perform the healing. Shashari notices the priestess coming out of the side room and that she talks to another priestess before rushing off. This second priestess moves to guard the door to where Rikku lays waiting for healing. Shashari casts a listening spell so that she can hear what is going on in the side room. The original priestess returns along with the High Priestess, enter the room and perform the healing. Shashari overhears:
"Just do what you did last time dear.", the High Priestess. "Oh, I see what you mean.", "You leave dear, I will perform the healing myself."
The High Priestess comes out of the healing room and leaves; Rikku comes out, looking well.
Walking out of the Temple of Eissa, the PCs realise it is the early hours of the morning and dawn is only a few hours away. Most of the PCs head outside the city walls to make camp because they have no money to pay for a room at The Limping Dog - which is exactly where Shashari heads off to in order to use up the free night of accommodation offered by Jerrell.
After a restful and uneventful sleep, the PCs, coming together with all their equipment, head west into the woods in pursuit of this "life stone". It isn't long before they are set upon by five giant rats, 2 miles into their trek. Easily dispatching the large rodents they press on. Shashari, flying high again, notices clouds building up on the horizon. Several uneventful hours later they have to dismount and walk their horses due to the thick forest growth. They meet up with Shashari at the tor they discovered the previous day. The wind is picking up and the clouds are now dark.
Discussion amongst the party members centres on stopping here at the tor and camping, letting the storm pass them by, it is getting onto night anyway. Rikku the party leader, feeling the need to continue and recover the life stone decides that they will continue to another tor Shashari spotted not far west of their present location, known as Hightower as described by Xera yesterday.
"It has a tower on top of it that should provide some protection from the elements.", says Rikku.
"A couple of hours and they should be there at around dark."
Most of the party want to stay and camp, but Rikku says they will press on. Cavell is not happy with this decision and grumbles something about a new leader.
Getting close to Hightower tor, the PCs hear growling behind them. Observation rolls are performed but they all see nothing. Kodos does an Animal Lore skill check to see if, in his experience as a ranger, he knows this sound - he fails his roll - evidently he does not recognise this growling.

The rest of the party combat the wolverines with Cavell finally getting his first kill - yippee! (or was one of the rats his first kill?? - I can't remember.)
Xera's horse is savagely set upon by the other wolverine, biting out a chunk of flesh in the hind leg. The horse flees, bleeding badly. The second wolverine is dealt with quickly and the PCs gather the horses, perform the necessary first aid to stop the bleeding on Xera's mount.
The sky has been slowly darkening all day, and the smell of rain has been thick in the air. Now it has finally begun to fall, accompanied by loud peals of thunder that seems to roll across the landscape. The sun is hidden behind massive storm clouds, and a cold wind blows from the north. As bolts of lightning begin to slam from cloud to ground and pieces of hail begin to strike the earth, the need for shelter becomes obvious. If only they had stayed and made camp back at the other tor they wouldn't be in this mess of trying to find Hightower in the middle of a dangerous storm. They could have been snug in their camp beds, listening to the pitter-patter of rain hitting the tents.

At last! The massive tor towers above the surrounding forest. A few narrow ledges offer scant protection from the elements, but a closer inspection reveals a massive, arched entryway at least 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide, set into the side of the hill. The ground just outside it slopes away from the doorway, directing the falling water out and away. Given this fact and the sturdy nature of the hill, whatever space lies beyond the door should be both dry and safe from lightning and hail. The construction seems quite sturdy, so the likelihood of collapse, even in severe conditions such as these, is remote.
Whoosh ..... thud. What was originally just small hail stones have suddenly turned into hail bricks! The PCs quickly head on into the cave at the base of the tor. Lucky Rikku decided to press on to Hightower than set camp and wait the storm out in an unprotected clearing. Most likely they would all have died in their sleep, those ice bricks can kill!
- until next fortnight ...