Guard, Guard, I've Been Robbed! (Part 2)
A restful and uneventful night later the PCs decide that the only way to get money is to go murlogi (goblin) hunting, hoping that they may have some treasure the PCs sorely need.
"Twenty miles west into the forest isn't far."
"Let's get packing."
"Make sure we have enough food."
"The horses could do with a good workout."
So without much ado, the PCs set their eyes west and headed away from the city.
The forest/jungle (I couldn't make up my mind how best to describe it, some parts are more like a wooded forest and others like a thick jungle) had a small track to follow initially. This petered out eventually and PCs had to negotiate the ever thickening forest.
Shashari, however, chose to fly above the PCs in order to visually scout the area; she wanted to make sure she kept the party within visual range. While flying up high she notices that clouds are appearing on the horizon. Continuing their travels, about 12 miles in, the forest hides the rest of the party from Shashari's sight and she asked them to wait for her. Landing in a nearby clearing which contained a tor (hill), she intended to hike her way to the party. The tor catches her interest, but then again, she always did like being perched up high, being Hirazi (winged race) and all. So she sat and waited for the others to come to her. The only problem was that they were waiting for her to come to them as she had asked.
Eventually the party came together and decided to stop off at the tor for midday meal and a little investigation. Nothing was found at the tor. Xera felt she knew some of the history of this area, but couldn't pinpoint it precisely, she decided to think on it while they journeyed on westward towards the murlogi location. The PCs noticed that the wind was picking up, especially now that they were in the clearing.
Walking their horses now because the growth is too thick to allow riding, the party's progress is slowed. An hour or so later they come across a small animal track and follow it west. There is still not enough room to ride due to tree branches, but at least they are making slightly faster progress to their intended destination. While continuing along the animal track, members of the party notice white strands of an unknown substance crisscrossing the branches about them. Rikku looks further into the forest and notices it is even thicker ahead.
"It looks like spider webs", says someone in the party.
Cavell notices that their horses are not skittish so it must be safe. Shashari goes up to the strands and touches them, they are sticky.
"Spider webs"

Those PCs holding onto the reins make an Animal Handling skill check in order to calm their horse, a couple pass the test but others lose control and their mounts panic, backing off down the track. Rikku looks up toward the forest canopy. Two Great Spiders are there, not 10' away. He lets go of his horse and backs off from the spiders.
Asmodeus and Cavell lead their skittish horses back the way they had come and notice another Great Spider closing off their escape route. The only options now are to fight or head north or south into the dense forest with thick webs all over the place. The party decide to fight these creatures. There's only three of them, and they are smaller than us, 2' - 3 ' diameter with their legs spread out. Not a problem!
Kodos is trying to control his horse, Xera readies her chakram, Shashari reaches for her Atlatl, Rikku readies his bow as the spiders drop to the forest floor, Cavell draws his broadsword and Asmodeus prepares his chegain.
Rikku lets loose an arrow and misses the target, Cavell strikes at the spider doing some damage and Xera and Shashari throw their weapons but fail to hurt the creatures. Asmodeus follows up Cavell's attack with one of his own and deftly dispatches the spider. Kodos prepares to teleport behind the two spiders at the front and attack from behind.
"Where the hell am I", thinks Kodos as he reels from the disorientation of a failed teleport. Kodos has accidentally appeared 75' SE of the party's location.
A scream is heard from the front of the party. Rikku turns, hands covering his face. A spider leapt up on him and, using its pincers, plucked out his left eye and leaving the other one blinded for a week.
Aside: You've gotta love this! I know I do as GM. Criticals add so much more "realism", or at least entertainment, hehe. I always use the critical tables. These are found in almost all books that have attack tables in them; the Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing Rulebook, The Armory, the Spell Law books, Arms Law, Channeling Companion and Fire & Ice - The Elemental Companion.
Back to the action: Asmodeus and Cavell make their way to the front of the party and attack the remaining two spiders. Shashari and Xera continue their attack on the front two spiders as well. Cavell is not having much luck vanquishing these foes. Asmodeus, twice, mops up Cavell's chance for glory. Meanwhile, Kodos is lost and struggles to reorient himself; eventually he figures it out and gets back to the rest of the party with the aid of Shashari and her whistle.
Some healing occurs and it is decided that in the best interests of the party that they return to Sel-kai to get Rikku fixed (hopefully), especially since he is the party leader. The PCs make their way back uneventfully and arrive just after nightfall.
It shouldn't be too hard to find a cleric that would heal Rikku. Every resident of Sel-kai knows that when they enter the city they may pass through the Avenue of the Gods. But then, Healing and Surgery in the Black Oak district is always an option, although Doreg Killian is well know for his cold-hearted business dealings, always expecting cash before healing strangers. I hope Asmodeus has enough coin or, more importantly, is willing to part with it for a stranger he has known now for six days.
Good luck to you Rikku!
Ooo Shashari isn't going to be happy with you - she got one of those kills :P I was happy to finally get into a fight where I could actually hit something for a change, instead of standing around, or blinding them with projected light.
I agree with your comments in the previous post too. I thought the game ran quite well. I think everyone was more alert and interested in the game probably as it ran during the day, instead of a Friday night. Still, it's hard to organise everyone for day time games when some of us work, or have other games on the weekends!
Poor Rikku, he was really mad at being blind. How is a blind, broke thief ever going to get anywhere in life? Lucky he has friends like us to look after him! But how will he feel, accepting money from a dark elf to pay for his healing?
Did Shashari get a kill?? I didn't remember right, yet again!
I publicly apologise to Shashari and demand she get down on her knees and praise me before I smite her or something - LOL
- GM
Well, i don't think any grovelling is going to be happening here anytime soon. Besides, Shashari already has the xps for the kill; I was just highlighting the errors in your recollection :P
Oh damn!
- GM
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