The Hit (Part 2)
Well, I am almost there. This session carries on from the last and I have only got one other session to blog in order to be up to date. From then on it will only become a fortnightly task.
As mentioned in the last post, Pete was removed from the group and a new member added. Pete understood my reasoning and, though not happy about it (neither was I), relinquished his coveted position as being a member of my gaming group.
The new member to the group has been around since I started GMing in 1992, namely, my wife. I have tried and tried to get her involved over the years but she has never acquiesced. In all that time her interests have subtly changed and she has become an avid computer-based RPG player instead of only reading fantasy/sci-fi novels. And so a few months ago I asked her to sit in on one gaming session and take charge of Pete's character. This was a different campaign, a sci-fi game of Space Master: Privateers, a campaign that had been running for a few years (also made by the makers of RolemasterFRP, Iron Crown Enterprises, or ICE for short).
Anyway, my wife agreed to try it out. I must thank the makers of the inspirational CRPG game The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion, Bethesda Softworks, for their hand in converting my wife into an RPGer. Now I am doubly blessed since I have two female gamers in my group!
Moving on ...
The PCs have been invited to the Mayor's residence as honoured guests and to receive an award for their efforts in saving his life. Little do the PCs realise that their very lives will be in jeopardy.
It all started out sinisterly when the PCs were originally invited. The guard who brought the invitation to the PCs at The Limping Dog said that no weapons are permitted inside the Mayor's residence and so they should not bring any along. I liked this point in the game because I got to see the worried reactions of the PCs - LOL. Cavell was suspicious and I do believe, if my memory serves me right, that there was mention amongst the PCs of another plot of assassination either on the Mayor or directed at them. I had to laugh as that was exactly what I was planning. Not only that, but this premonition of the group to foretell future events is uncannily accurate, say 30% - 40% accurate, which is pretty damn good! But then, I like to have the PCs guessing and I do enjoy it when they realise their worst fears are coming true.
So the PCs rock up at the Mayor's residence, Cavell cannot help but bring his weapon, however, he does hand it over at the door. Shashari leaves her weapon behind as does Asmodeus and Aelerine. I can't remember what Rikku and Kodos did, that's the failing memory of an aging GM!

I ask PCs to make an Alertness skill roll. Then all hell breaks loose. A woman shouts out "poisoner" from across the room and she gets up and runs across the room to the PC's table, pointing at a man sitting right beside Kodos. The man does nothing until the woman is getting close to the table, then he gets up and draws a dagger. Kodos and Rikku notice what's going on and so get up out of their seats to surround the man.
"I knew we needed weapons", says Cavell.
Cavell also notices the commotion and makes a move towards the end of the table where all the action is taking place.
Meanwhile, I ask Asmodeus and Shashari to make another Alertness skill roll. The players think this is about noticing the woman crossing the room and so, when they fail a second time, think they can't do anything at this point in the game. This in fact was an error on my part as GM (maybe). I thought it was obvious that Asmodeus and Shashari could see that something was going on at the other end of the table because I was describing the events out loud, but the players did not interpret it that way.
Anyway, everyone is busy watching the woman move across the room and/or dealing with the assassin, too busy to notice the green colour appearing in Aelerine's face.
A guard confronts the assassin who waves his dagger menacingly. The guard attacks the assassin and within a couple of rounds the assassin is bleeding badly and on death's doorstep. The assassin tries to make a desperate lunge for the nearby window and lands flat on his face at the edge of the curtains, dead.
It is at this time that Shashari and Asmodeus finally notice the gurgling sounds coming from behind them as Aelerine sprays vomit all over the table and falls backwards onto the floor, dead from poison. A man sitting beside her is right there lending "assistance" but it is too late. Cavell appears and examines Aelerine, but it is definitely too late. The man who initially assisted Aelerine disappears, Shashari cannot find him.
The PCs find the assassination was planned as there was a cart below the window filled with straw, an obvious escape route for the assassin. Rikku identifies a triangle tattooed on the assassin's left hand in the webbing between thumb and first finger. This can't be a coincidence.
Wanting the night to be over and the PCs out of his house, the Mayor and all his guests retire to another large room where he presents the PCs with a medallion and a small pouch of coins as thanks for saving his life.
The PCs leave behind the body of Aelerine for the guard to deal with and, as Shashari identified with the others agreeing, they knew very little of Aelerine who had been with them for only two days. Aelerine didn't really support them as a group so why should they worry about her now?
While at the reception, Cavell had a chance to speak with the woman who spotted the assassin from across the room; her name, he found out, is Xera. She appears quite pompous and arrogant and a little disgruntled about her overprotective father. She expresses her longing for adventure and asks Cavell about his group. After a small bit of discussion, Xera willingly tags along with the group back to The Limping Dog and decides she is leaving her rich family here in Sel-kai in search of adventure.
And so now a new member has arrived in the PC group:
- Lady Xera Azkatar - a female Laan Lay Healer
I was happy and sad to see Pete go. Sad that it had got to the point where it was really the only solution, but happy that finally Pete would stop distracting me every time he showed up to the game. I will still miss Pete despite him being so distracting. Also its good to see Mrs GM playing finally, she looks to have the makings of an excellent player plus the added bonus that she can yell at you when you get off track!
Okay time to set the record straight (or at least tell it how I remember it)... something *always* happens when you are asked to leave your weapons behind. It is one of the rules of fiction. Shashari cheated by wearing her whip as a belt. It's not much of a weapon but its better than nothing, and its all she had versus the first assassin and she did okay with it. I think the idea of bringing it was more a case of wanting to be able to defend the mayor again, rather than thinking we were at risk. I don't remember anyone saying we would get poisoned - only Asmodeus who so far this game has seen the worst possible case in everything. Fleas in the common room, weevils in the free bread, etc so eventually he had to get it right.
I agree with your assessment of what went wrong during the confusion at the Mayor's dinner. Unless the GM says "Everyone can see this!" I tend to assume that we can't all see it, especially in rolemaster where it isn't unusual that a lot of us fail our rolls for observation/awareness. We really didn't know where we were, or who knew what, which led to delays in actions.
Lastly, I'd like to correct the GM's idea that it's Cavell's group. Rikku is the leader of our group - we followed his plan in getting evidence on Elgata. Cavell's role is largely to stand around and look tough, and heal people, and do what he's told. He hasn't really shown much leadership this game.
Yes, I've been meaning to mention this as well. I know it is usually expected that someone in my position (the knight or paladin) would be the leader, but I've been trying to not order the PCs around, as I didn't specifically want to lead again. I've effectively been the leader for the last few games, and I think it's time for someone else to have a turn. I suppose I've come across as being in charge based on my appearance, and the fact that I'm usually the one doing most of the talking, but that's just me I guess.
I'm all for Rikku to take charge and lead the group, saves me having to worry about it for a change. I can just sit back, relax, observe (ha!), sleep and act as a protector in my big shiny, tough armour.
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