Lair Of The Orc Lord - Deep 3 (Part 3)
Hanu and Kodos have yet to be healed fully from last session as Hanu is bleeding at 4 hits per round (hits/rnd) and Kodos 2 hits/rnd. Xera decides to use her herbs and so gives Hanu some Fek which stops all the bleeding while Cavell performs First Aid on Kodos to stem his blood loss. Healing and Injury rules are now applied and Hanu has to wait 4 days before she can undertake any strenuous activities otherwise she will reopen the healing wound – for Kodos it is only 2 days wait.
At this point in the game there is a short discussion about the use of herbs versus magical healing spells. The herbs used in this case are non-magical in nature and so require the application of the Healing and Injury rules. If, however, magic means are used to heal, the aforementioned rules do not come into play and so there is no danger time in which wounds can re-open and start bleeding again. Now Xera has a spell that will stop bleeding up to 3 hits/rnd. Her thinking is that because Hanu is bleeding at 4 hits/rnd, she cannot apply the spell. My thinking is that she can apply the spell and heal up to a maximum of 3 hit/rnd of bleeding leaving Hanu bleeding at 1 hit/rnd, which can be dealt with by applying more magical means or the use of non-magical means. If non-magical means are applied, then Healing and Injury rules come into play for the remaining 1 hit/rnd of bleeding.
Cavell decides to search the barrels and gear in the small alcove and finds they contain orc food – which doesn’t look all that nice to eat. Meanwhile Xera is concentrating on a spell to heal some of the damage Hanu has taken. It takes 1 minute of concentration to heal one hit point of damage – not bad when you consider the normal healing rate is one hit point per three hours, if active, otherwise it can be increased slightly when resting. The rest of the party are on watch. Noises can be heard coming from further into the cave complex but as to what is making them it is unclear.
Fifteen quiet minutes pass and then the party move on down the tunnel. Cavell is looking ahead and notices an opening to the left further on. He fails to spot the thin rope going across the tunnel and triggers the trip wire. A grating noise is heard ahead of them along with a roar of anger. As the party move further around the bend they see an ogre climbing a ladder out of a deep cave that has obviously been its prison. Ahh! So Gorgut is hoping the ogre will eliminate the party for him.
The PCs let the ogre climb out and Asmodeus speaks to it in the orcish language he has picked up in his youth. Asmodeous says something friendly and the ogre looks quizzical at them before roaring and moving into attack. Not a good move there Asmodeus! You have incited the ogre by using the language of its captors!
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How the rules work: The ogre is a large creature (level 8) and so when the heroes do criticals to it, they are large (LA) criticals – LA criticals are only obtained from inflicting B and higher criticals (an A critical is ignored). This in effect multiplies the experience points gained from the critical by 1.5. To make the situation scarier, the ogre also reduces the critical taken by two levels of severity, hence a PC needs to get a D critical or better in order to get the required B critical or higher after the critical reduction has come into effect. Clear as mud?
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Rikku pounces on the ogre’s remains and finds a valuable precious gem in its loincloths. Cleaning it off (yuck!) he greedily stashes it in his backpack.
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The combat starts off with the PCs backing off back the way they had come because they don’t want to get stuck fighting in a restricted area (-15 to Offensive Bonus). Skabnoze orders his orcs to stay put and use their bows.
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Skabnoze is too slow to release his spell and is stunned for one round by the effects of the Vacuum spell – similar effects inflict the other two orcs within the five foot radius of the spell. Rikku hits Skabnoze the one time in all his attempts (a lucky shot if you ask me).
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More in a fortnight’s time – hopefully.
Wow extensive amounts of writing there.
By the way, Asmo can't speak orc naturally. He can speak orcish and goblin due to a ring of translation he picked up from Skabnoze the first time we killed him i believe.
I can't believe how unlucky I was in the fight with the ogre. At least I didn't break my favoured sword and only my spare! It would have been interesting if the ogre had had an opportunity to surrender, although with only Asmo being able to speak to it, no doubt he would have said something to enrage it again :P
Poor Skabnoze - beaten to death with a large stick weilded by an angry elf while being paralyzed from your own spell fumble - not a pleasant way to die :P
Ah well, hopefully we get to fight and kill Gorgutt next time - what joy!!
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