In Search of New Armour (Part 2)
So, you are back again are you? I am glad to see it. It had been about a month between gaming sessions and I am a little lazy getting this one written up. The session occurred just over a week and a half ago with the next session supposedly on in three days. I don't have any images for you, just words - hopefully next time. Moving on from last time …
The PCs break their fast and organise the horses so that they will not run off without their masters in a time of need. The group then heads off toward the ruins.
Just then, one player gets a work related phone call (don’t you just hate being on call and then actually get a call right when the interesting stuff in a game is about to happen?). So off he goes for about 40 to 50 minutes while the rest of the players try and cope without his presence.
Anyway, the PCs make it to a ruined stone wall. It has been standing now for more than 400 years and nature is clearly taking its toll. Parts of the wall are reduced to rubble while other sections are still at full height. It is early morning and the PCs are moving east into the light of the sun. The wall can be seen to stretch off in the distance, both north and south without any indication of a gateway or entryway.
Choosing to go through a break in the wall, Rikku decides to throw caution to the wind and passes through. Just as he steps through he is pushed forward by a strong gust of wind and a loud gong/clang is heard in the distance. The rest of the group follow along on this ominous beginning to their search. Wondering if they have set of an alarm the party halts and waits a time to see if anything else happens … nothing. They decide to head in the direction of the sound as best can be determined.
The buildings on the outskirts of the settlement are the worst for wear, primarily being little but broken shells of their former glory along with a generous helping of open forest growing in and amongst them. What their function was originally is anybody’s guess. As the PCs head east between the ruins the gong/clang sound is heard again. A couple of the adventurers notice the wind picked up again right before the sound was heard. Eventually they arrive in what appears to be a large round courtyard with ruined fountain in the middle. There is a two story building to their north blocking off any views in that direction while south has a clearly marked old cobbled stone roadway. Further east and the ruins appear similar to the ones they just came from.
At a loss as to what direction the chapel they are looking for lies, Xera uses her Guess spell once again. It is determined that the chapel lies to the north. The building there is clearly not a chapel, but looks more like a dormitory or other type of residential building. The group decide to head on through that building rather than go around it, primarily because Rikku wants to go treasure hunting. They hope the chapel lies beyond.
This building looks reasonably stable even though it has no roofing. There is a stone stair leading up to a second floor. The stair seems alright to use so up they go. The third stair eventually fails and a small hole opens up underneath. Clearly it was used as a storage area but not much is left inside except for the broken stones of the now determine unstable stair. As more and more PCs arrive to the top of the stair a noise that can only be described as a roar is heard. It is a bear, but where is it?
Cautiously the PCs make their way down the corridor. Shifting sounds are heard and the group arrives at the source of the sounds. Cavell takes point with his shield in front of him for protection. He rounds the corner of the doorway and frightens a large black bear. The bear roars and charges forward bashing Cavell aside, taking out half the doorway as well, as it flees up the corridor away from the party in fear. Cavell only suffers minor injuries, however, the bear crashes through an unstable floor section. A thick cloud of dust quickly fills the air. Concerned for the bear's whereabouts, the party moves forward to the broken floor. The bear is gone, probably still running after the fright it received!
So what was the bear doing up here? The group inspects the room where the bear had initially been located. Debris, debris and more debris. Ah, what’s this? Bones. A forearm and hand. With the cartilage still intact, holding it together. Around the wrist is a string of beads that is quickly over looked as unimportant and packed away in someone’s backpack. The skeletal remains are examined and determined to be that of say an orc, because the bones are heavier than human or elf. Nothing else is found so the group leave the building and head further north. That damn sound is heard again.
The chapel can eventually be seen from a distance. Did I say chapel? It could hardly be called a chapel, more like a basilica! Well, maybe not that large, but certainly not a nice little chapel either. The adventurers make their way to the north face as there appears to be no doors on the southern or eastern faces of the building. The north-facing side of the chapel has large double doors in reasonable order of repair – especially considering it has been left to ruin for 400 years. The open forest trees do not grow up close to the building but grass does … hmmm.
Nothing looks amiss, might as well head in! And in they go. The doors, upon closer inspection, actually do look weathered quite a bit, but they are closed. That’s no problem, it is easy to push the right one open and enter. Inside the chapel is a vast area with columns rising to the roof on either side of the processional. This place has a roof and it is in reasonable repair - some light can be seen coming through in different spots. There are bird droppings under the roof beams, but there are no birds to be seen.
Thinking there’s got to be something magical around Asmodeus uses his Power Awareness•Power Perception skill. He can’t detect anything magical (poor rolling by his player). Someone else (Kodos?) tries and notices a humanoid, glowing red (Essence magic probably from an invisibility spell), skulk behind a column. Others are informed and the group moves forward cautiously. Seeing behind the column and using the skill again reveals that the being has disappeared – strange! They eventually arrive at the dais with a relief in stone of Eissa.
It is moving on to lunchtime and the PCs are getting hungry now. Before heading off to base camp, the party checks out the door to the left of the dais. It leads to preparation rooms for clergy and/or assistants - nothing else but a dead end full of debris.
Another door to the right of the dais is then checked and found locked. Rikku’s lock picking skills don’t help and neither does trying to bash the door down (Hanu’s shoulder is sore). Oh well, it is lunchtime anyway and the PCs arrive safe and well at their camp.
The ruins were strangely quiet and empty of life for the most part.
While settling in for lunch the horses become skittish and whinny constantly. The PCs get up and look around – nothing is seen. The horses become more anxious and start pulling on their reins. Some of the PCs tend their horses and let them back away from the direction of the ruins, back up the slope from whence they came. A few more moments later and the PCs are starting to notice several humanoid shapes moving towards them through the open forest ranging from northeast to southeast. It is hard to make out any detail because of the forest, but given time and they will surely be face to face.
Until next time …
Well there's a few bits that you got wrong or omitted in your report there:
It was Asmodeus who detected the red essence user floating in the chapel. A few of the others (Xera, Rikku) did try and detect him as well but to no avail. And after the first detection he/she/it was not seen again.
We searched the rooms to the left of the dais first and uncovered a few minor things. We found some glass ceremonial containers and Hanu found a scroll with a channeling protection spell on it which was given to me.
When we investigated the door to the right of the dais we noticed it was in remarkably good condition. Asmodeus power perceived the door and detected a spell on it, which he worked out was a cube of frost spell, obviously put there as a ward or trap. We cast some elemental protections on Hanu and she tried to break down the door to no avail. Then Rikku tried to pick the lock. He failed and ended up setting off the trap, engulfing himself and Hanu in the cube of frost. I think they were lucky and didn't suffer any serious injuries from it.
After that we decided to head back and rest up a bit before continuing in further. We had rested for about 40 minutes i think before the horses started freaking out. Not quite long enough to get some power points and hit points back!!
And with any luck I shouldn't get called away this time :P Such a nuisance.
Ah yes, I forgot about Xera and Kodos trying to power perceive and failing before Asmodeus passed his skill check.
As to left versus right door being opened first, you are right that is was the left door to dais as you look at it facing south, but when I reviewed it, I notice that the normally north facing map was for this small section was actually south facing so I was trying to be consistent with that. Oh well, it only adds to the confusion.
And yes, how could I have forgotten the Cube of Frost, you guys spent a bit of time preparing and if I remember correctly, arguing about how best to proceed.
A fun session nonetheless.
- GM
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