A Dark And Stormy Knight (Part 3)
Having trouble with the locking mechanisms on these stone doors, all the PCs fail their attempts to pick the locks. Luckily their ineptitude seems to be their forté these days because Rikku's "failed" attempt actually triggered the lock and the party hears the gratuitous "click".
Impatient, Shashari uses her strength and pushes Rikku forward, headfirst into the double doors and opening them into a very long corridor. The marching order is once again determined (changed slightly this time) and the party moves into the passage looking for traps as they go. No traps are found early on and so the group stroll down the rest of the 60+ feet of corridor without further trap checking. The Lords of Orhan must be on their side as they encounter no traps at all.

"Suddenly, from a doorway on the far side of the room step two burly humanoids. Each stands more than 6 feet tall and has feral eyes and flat facial features. With a roar, the two draw their weapons and charge."
This frightens Rikku who retreats into the corridor from which he came. Cavell, who was leading the group with Rikku, moves forward to attack, as does Kodos who swaps places with the retreating Rikku. Other characters have managed to spread out left and right as they entered the room.
Cavell takes the full brunt of the hobgoblin attack and deftly avoids taking damage, delivering a critical blow that renders his foe stunned for several rounds. Asmodeus prepares his Minor Pain spell, Shashari looses her long bow doing no damage and Xera draws and throws her Chakram, she hits but does only light damage. Xera's biggest problem, however, is not her foe but rather her reopened wound on her leg. She was warned that she needed to rest it and not stress it too much, but did she listen to her GM? Nooooo! She is now bleeding at two hits per round.
Seeing how easy it was for Cavell, Kodos takes on the other charging hobgoblin and promptly gets whacked a beauty. His arm is bleeding badly and he is stunned for a couple of rounds. Cavell, seeing his friend in difficulty, moves between the unhurt hobgoblin and Kodos to protect him. Rikku, not liking his friend hurt in this way, also moves forward to attack the foul humanoid that performed the dastardly deed.
A couple of rounds later Asmodeus' spell goes off and lightly wounds a hobgoblin. Now with so much against them, the hobgoblins succumb to the party's ferocity and are easily dispatched. It's time to tend the wounded.
Poor Kodos loses consciousness due to blood loss and the rest of the party spend rounds and rounds of time trying to heal him through their first aid skill. Even Xera with her bag of herbal goodies cannot help other than concussion relief (healing hit point damage). Nothing works given several rounds of trying. Cavell takes the last resort and cauterises the wound with his sword blade heated by the lantern fire. This works, barely, but further damages the already flat-lining Kodos. More concussion relief removes Kodos from any danger, then Xera notices the trickle of her own blood down her leg. In all the excitement she forgot about herself and is now starting to feel a little woozy. More first aid attempts fail and Xera is staring unconsciousness in the face just as Kodos is currently practicing the art.
Looking at the healing time requirements for both Kodos and Xera, they roll well and need only one day to fully recover from their wounds. It could have been a lot worse, but the party agree to rest for a full day to ensure they can continue without hindrance.
The party heads back to their campsite in the room with the sarcophagus, except Rikku who doesn't want to stop and so continues on independently. He moves into the passageway north of their entrance into this room and heads down another that is on the right. 30 feet into this passage he can make out a dusty room with his elven, low-light ability.
"There are "mummified" lumps lying on the floor.", GM.
Rikku moves further down the corridor. This guy is nuts! He's all alone and just recently saw his friend Kodos almost die in a battle of six versus two in their favour. Nearing the room entrance Rikku notices fine spider threads running across his path. Oh crap!
"I back off slowly and look around the passage."
"You see a huge spider against the ceiling above you."
This obviously scared him and so Rikku's player rolls a Fear RR check. He has had some bad experiences lately with spiders (to say the least) and even with negative modifiers to his roll, he manages easily to keep his wits about himself.
"I'll return back to camp.", says a shaken Rikku.
The 25 hour period of rest is interrupted twice by the sound of a metal grate hitting the stone floor. Nothing emerges from these sounds to present themselves to the PCs, however, they are concerned. The next day, they check out the storm situation and see that it is continuing unabated.
Fully healed and prepared for whatever lays ahead, the PCs retrace their steps down the long corridor and continue through the room with the now dead hobgoblins, but not before Shashari has some fun checking out the rope in the shaft. She ties her own rope to it and gets out of the way to pull. Nothing happens.
"Pull harder." - Shashari.
Still nothing happens, the rope simply goes taught then slides off the end - poor knot tying!. Shashari now wants to climb up the rope to see what is up there. This is one of her best skills and so manages to climb up 40+ feet before seeing a grey light more than 100 feet above her.
"Oh well, I climb back down."
The party moves down the northern corridor past the passage Rikku found on the right into the northern most room.
"A long, stone table dominates the center of this chamber, and bright bits of silver wink from within the dust that covers the floor. Upon the table lies the well-preserved corpse of a tall humanoid wearing the tabard and belts of a knight. The table has an opening at its front. Suddenly, the corpse sits up, lifting an old, rusted morningstar in one hand and a javelin in the other. As it climbs off the table, its mouth opens to loose an eerie moan."
The knight is a Male Lugroki Zombie (an Orc Zombie; a class III undead, level 6). The PCs fan out at the entrance to take on this knight of the unlife and it doesn't take long (2 or 3 rounds of combat) for it to be defeated. It only had 11 or so hits to go when Xera stepped in and took it out. 385 experience points go to her. Some antics were performed by Rikku; tumble-rolling across the stone table and failing, but I can't remember what happened to him.
Some very good rolls occurred to remove this menace so quickly considering it Size/Crit type is M/I#, which means it is a medium (human) sized creature (M) that has criticals reduced by one level (I) and does not get affected by stun or bleeding results (#).
With the Orc Zombie out of action and almost all the rooms checked out, the PCs are free to explore this area in greater detail. Experience points will be assigned next gaming session and characters will be allowed to level up if possible.
The PC's mission is to find a life stone taken by Lugroki (orcs) who headed into the western forest. Well, this is the western forest, but it is no lugroki settlement, nor is it a murlogi lair that Rikku has been interested in finding, but it does have hobgoblins and a lugroki undead.
What the PCs do next will be revealed in following blog ...