Lair Of The Orc Lord - Deep 1 (Part 4)
With everyone back together the party waits another day for injured comrades to fully heal. The day is entirely uneventful; perhaps the kobolds have a trap in the making?? You will have to wait and find out just like the rest of the PCs.
Leaving the safety of their rest room, the group of adventurers head down corridor 2 (see map) knowing that the northern door is locked and the only key is down the drain hole. They check out the entrance (1) and can see daylight some 90 feet up a set of stairs. Listening intently, they also make out that the storm is still raging outside.
You may click on the map to enlarge it, use the back button to return here.
Circling around the rooms and corridors (4, 8, 7, 6 and 9) the party come to the door leading into room 11, the Pit of Deff. Rikku and one other check for traps and find nothing, so the PCs open the door and move into the room. Xera stays in the corridor along with Kodos, but they reluctantly enter the room after a short time.
“A deep, dark pit fills most of the room. The walls of the pit are lined with sharp spikes and broken weapons and chewed bones litter the floor. You can see a weapons rack near the left hand wall.”
Kodos spies a shiny weapon on the rack and goes to pull it out. As he does so, he hears a “click” and the secret door into corridor 12 opens. The now familiar yapping sound of kobolds is heard coming from behind the secret door and, to PCs’ surprise, the corridor they just came from. A dozen or more kobolds surround them and there is no exit except the door in the pit.
The kobolds attack and the PCs defend themselves. Shashari glides into the pit and prepares to use her longbow. Strangely enough the kobolds’ attacks inflict no damage but simply push them back towards the pit. Kodos ends up in the pit with Shashari and he too equips his longbow. Following closely are Rikku, Xera and Asmodeus.
In order to avoid damage when falling into the pit, I ask the players to make an Agility check in which they must roll lower than their Temporary Agility stat value. All but one PC (Kodos?) manage to leap over the spikes when falling into the pit and Cavell is the only one who doesn’t end up in the pit.
The situation is getting desperate and Asmodeus decides to cast Sleep V, a spell that will put a total of 5 levels of enemy into a natural sleep. He misses his intended target and the spell strays in the direction of corridor 12. Three kobolds fail their RR and drop to the floor, two resist the spell.
A total of six kobolds are downed; Cavell (2), Shashari (1), Xera (1), Rikku (1) and Kodos (1) not including those that fell asleep. Two kobolds fail a morale check and flee.
Wanting to get back up into the fight Kodos tries to teleport himself onto the ledge. He fails his targeting and ends up in a stinking room with six goblins around him. Others try to get out of the pit but fail for the most part.
You may click on image to enlarge it, use the back button to return here.
Asmodeus lets off another Sleep V spell centred on the kobolds around Cavell. Again he fails his roll and this time the spell drifts towards Cavell who promptly fails his resistance roll and falls asleep along with another two kobolds. Another kobold flees and the adventurers are pretty much left alone. Rikku has a second try and gets out then dispatches the last kobold. Kodos quickly teleports himself back again. Phew! He was dead for sure if he stayed in that stinking goblin room.
You may click on image to enlarge it, use the back button to return here.
Something is trying to get out of the door in the pit. The PCs instinctively scramble to get out of the pit. What ever it is, it doesn’t get through the door, but the PCs don’t care, they are not taking any more risks.
The PCs are lucky to have survived this onslaught. If it wasn't for Asmodeus' sleep spell, they may not be around to talk about it. He took out of action five kobolds, enough to give them the advantage.
The sleeping kobolds are dispatched by the party and Cavell is awoken. Though this took some effort because Cavell is a heavy sleeper (one of the flaws he has).
The kobolds are searched for any loot and the adventurers ready themselves to head down corridor 12. Well, maybe, it hasn’t been decided yet because this is where we left off after almost three hours of play.
Until next time ...
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